
Merited artist of Ukraine, professor of the National Academy of Music, National University of Culture and Arts, Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts.
Born in Kyiv. Composer, researcher. In 1981 he graduated from the Kyiv State Conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky in the class of percussion instruments.
Prizewinner of international competitions, among them:
All-Ukrainian Performers’ Competition (Donetsk, 1980), All-Union Performers’ Competition (Tallinn, 1980), International Competitions in Poznań (1997), Grand Prix at the International Festival in Seoul (2001).
Member of the National All-Ukrainian Music Union. Member of the International Bell Association (Paris, 2013).
He cooperated with outstanding conductors: N. Rakhlin, K. Simeonov, S. Turchak, V. Kozhukhar, F. Hlushchenko, I. Gamkal, I. Blazhkov, R. Kofman, A. Vlasenko, V. Sirenko, K. Kondrashin, D. Kitaenko, H. Rozhdestvenskyi, V. Baley, T. Kuchar and others.
The founder and leader of groups known in Ukraine and abroad: the percussion quartet “ARS NOVA” and the chime music ensemble “Kyivski Dzvonari”.
As a researcher, he made a great contribution to the revival of bell towers and bell-ringing art in Ukraine, which also inspired the creation of the first ensemble in the country, “Kyiv Ringers”, which for the first time in history performed Ukrainian classics on carillons (chromatic bells) in the cities of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany and other European countries. The author of the projects of the first carillons (chromatic bell towers) in the Orthodox world at the St. Michael’s Cathedral, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, and others. bell towers of Kyiv and cities of Ukraine.
          Georgy Chernenko wrote a large number of his own works, arrangements and arrangements for various ensembles of percussion instruments. As well as works for mandatory performance at competitions and festivals of various levels.
He constantly tours with famous groups and soloists in concert halls of Ukraine, Europe, Asia and the USA.
        The creative activity of Georgy as an artist, performer and composer is highlighted in materials on radio and television, mass media. Member of the jury of professional competitions and festivals.
        The musician collects various percussion instruments from around the world. Instruments from his collection enriched the timbre and expressive palette of many works of Ukrainian composers, were used for music studio recordings, films, festivals of modern and avant-garde music.
      Participant of international music festivals and competitions: Vienna Mozart Festival, “Intertheat”, “Gradus ad Parnassus”, “New Territory”, “MusicFes”.
He also took part in the festivals: “Musician-Fest”, “Music premieres”, “Music of the young”, in festivals of Yevhen Stankovych in Uzhgorod.
Georgy Chernenko held master classes in Germany, Norway, Mexico, Colombia and other countries.
He took part in various projects: “Stars of the Ukrainian Stage” in France, Germany, the USA, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Taurian Games”, Serzh Lifar festival, Eurovision.