“Kyiv Camerata” Orchestra

The National Ensemble of Soloists “Kyiv Camerata” firmly holds a top position in the cultural landscape of Ukraine and boasts being the first to perform numerous works by contemporary composers.

“Kyiv Camerata” comprises highly skillful musicians, each of whom is a virtuoso and a soloist. It is a team with a clear mission – promoting Ukrainian music in all its distinctive styles, trends and compositional schools. Although the ensemble’s repertoire continues to expand, it already includes a broad spectrum of music, ranging from the ancient works of baroque maestros to contemporary compositions.

In 1977, conductor Valerii Matiukhin established the Chamber Music Ensemble as a combination company of the Union of Composers of Ukraine. Since the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine in 1993, the company gained its artistic autonomy with the assigned status of “state”, which marked a new stage of its creativity.

The successful guest tours of “Kyiv Camerata”, visits to the world venues and the integration of Ukrainian performance on the artistic map of the world is vast. The National Ensemble of Soloists has repeatedly performed in Poland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Armenia, Croatia, Georgia, the USA, Kuwait and other countries.

The National Ensemble of Soloists “Kyiv Camerata” was established by Valerii Matiukhin as a Chamber Music Ensemble under the Union of Composers of Ukraine in 1977. Under the visionary leadership and guidance of Valerii Matiuhin, the ensemble has flourished for an impressive 46 years.

Throughout the challenging early years of Ukrainian Independence, “Kyiv Camerata” has remained an independent company, dedicated to excellence in music and performance. 

In recognition of their outstanding contributions to the field, the orchestra was granted National status in 2000, firmly establishing their position among the most esteemed orchestras in Ukraine. The company has also had the privilege of working with exceptional musical talents such as Myroslav Skoryk and Ivan Karabyts, who have served as artistic directors at various times.


Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio

On 8, 10 and 13 September 2024, the 10th UKRAINE MUSIC DAYS will be held in WARSAW. This is a double anniversary – the 10th Festival and its 25th anniversary. The first Festival took place in 1999. Subsequent ones were held in 2001, 2004, 2012, 2019 and since 2020. The Festival is held annually with the aim of promoting Ukrainian music in our deep conviction of the importance of presenting Ukrainian high culture to a Polish audience. What is happening in Ukraine today – no need to be reminded. The Ukrainians are defending their own independence, but also us against the savage aggression of the barbarians of today. We invite you to visit our concerts and convince yourself of the greatness of Ukrainian musical culture.

Conductor – Roman Rewakowicz


Bohdana Pivnenko – violin

Oksana Nikitiuk – mezzo-soprano

Dmytro Tavanets – piano


Yurii Pikush (b. 1998) – “Escape Velocity” for chamber orchestra (world premiere) – commissioned by the Pro Musica Viva Foundation
Zoltan Almashi (b. 1975) – “Seasons of the Year” for violin and chamber orchestra

Oleksandr Kozarenko (1963-2023) – “Irmolohion” for string orchestra
Oleksandr Kozarenko – “Konzert-Stuck” for piano and chamber orchestra
Oleksandr Kozarenko – „for voice and chamber orchestra from Pokuttia” for voice and chamber orchestra
Oleksandr Kozarenko – Sinfonia Estravaganza

“Mariupol Classic 2024”
“Світ музики Юрія Шевченка”
Будинок архітектора

Mariupol Classic” — це єдиний фестиваль класичної музики, який існував у Донецькій області.

Через активну фазу війни та окупацію російськими військами Маріуполя життя фестивалю зупинилося.

І після паузи фестиваль повертається до життя. Але вже у Києві, де знайшли прихисток більшість митців міста Марії, як ще називають Маріуполь.

Імʼя композитора Юрія Шевченка сьогодні відоме і дітям, і дорослим в Україні.

Діти знають його як автора найвідоміших дитячих музичних спектаклів останніх 20 років. Серед них – опери “Кіт у чоботях” та “Король Дроздобород”, які йдуть на сценах київських театрів, а також балету “Дюймовонька”, що є в репертуарі Одеської опери. Доросла публіка знає Юрія Шевченка за його чудовими балетами “За двома зайцями” та “Запорожець за Дунаєм”. А слухачі в усьому світі знають Юрія Шевченка як автора твору “МИ-Є!”, який став одним із музичних символів України. Композитор створив його у 2014 році під враженнями трагічних подій на Майдані Незалежності.

Диригент – Ділявер Осман


Богдана Півненко – скрипка

Кирило Бондар – скрипка

Марʼяна Пташник – скрипка

Анна Фролова – скрипка

Ольга Аколішнова – скрипка

Аліса Кузнецова – скрипка

Валентина Буграк – альт

Андрій Тучапець – альт

Дмитро Кузьмін – флейта

Święta Góra, Gostyń

Conductor – Ivan Cherednichenko


Bohdana Pivnenko – violin

Dmytro Kuzmin – flute

Dmytro Tavanets – piano

Valentyna Bugrak – viola



Yevhen Stankovych – Chamber Symphony N.3 for flute and 12 strings

Hanna Havrylets – Choral

Zoltan Almashi – Maria`s City

Yuliy Meitus – Allegro for violin and string orchestra

Bohdana Frolyak – Dyptych

Oleg Bezborodko – Tale of Kings

Yevhen Stankovych – Angel`s touch for violin and orchestra

Yevhen Stankovych – Finnish lullaby


``Kyiv Camerata``

Among the Ukrainian authors who collaborated and wrote for the ensemble, there are dozens of names – from the classics of modern music to young composers seeking a new sound. Valentyn Sylvestrov, Yevhen Stankovych, Myroslav Skoryk, Ivan Karabyts, Oleh Kiva, Vitalii Hubarenko, Yurii Ishchenko, Levko Kolodub, Leonid Hrabovskyi, Volodymyr Zubytskyi, Lesia Dychko, Hanna Havrylets, Zoltan Almashi, Yuliia Homelska, Karmella Tsepkolenko and many others composed music for the orchestra.

Among the issued musical releases created by the orchestra there are:

–  Music by Karmella Tsepkolenko (ELCI-records, 1995)

–  Music by I. Stravinsky “Dumbarton Oaks”, R. Wagner “Siegfried Idyll”, I. Karabyts Concerto for 5 instruments, V. Balei “Adam’s Apple” (Arkadia-Symfo, 1996)

–  World academic music: W. A. Mozart Symphony No. 29

–  G. Mahler Symphony No. 10, A. Schoenberg “Transfigured Nigh”, conductor V. Balei. (“Arkadia”, 1999)

–  Pearls of past centuries: Ukrainian romances and folk songs with Olesia Charivna and “Kyiv Camerata”, conductor V. Matiukhin (“Symphokar”, 2002)

–  Musical dialogues: Ukraine – Austria. Music by D. Bortnyanskyi

–  music of W. A. Mozart in the orchestral transcription by Ye. Stankovych “Fantasia in F minor for a Mechanical Organ, K-608”, “Clarinet Concerto in A major, K-622” (Oberih, 2003)

–  “Meditations” by V. Sylvestrov

–  Music by Ye. Stankovych for violin and orchestra, soloist B. Pivnenko, conductor Valerii Matiukhin (Chernivtsi, 2006)

–  Music by Oleh Kiva: Works for voice with orchestra: “Kyiv Сamerata”, director V. Matiukhin, soloists N. Matviienko, I. Semenenko, L. Voinarovska, V. Buimister, D. Vyshnia (Atlantyk, 2007)

–  Chamber symphonies by I. Shcherbakov, soloists B. Pivnenko, A. Tuchapets, conductor V. Matiuhin (Atlantyk, 2007)

–  Chamber works by Ye. Stankovych, soloists B. Pivnenko, A. Tuchapets, Ye. Orkin, conductor V. Matyukhin (Atlantyk, 2007)

1980 роки, Валерій Матюхін та Валентин Сильвестров

1980s rocks, Valery Matyukhin and Valentin Silvestrov



Artem Oneschak (c), Serhii Anishchenko (c)
