Deputy General Director

Musicologist, candidate of art history, deputy general director of the National Ensemble of Soloists “Kyiv Camerata”.

Born in Boryspil, in a family of professional musicians. In 1986, she graduated from the Kyiv State Music School named after R. Gliera (piano faculty, class of Prof. V. Kozlov). In 1991, she graduated from the historical and theoretical faculty of the Kyiv State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (now P.I. Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music) majoring in “musicology”, class of Prof. T. Hnativ
In 1990, due to family circumstances, she immigrated to Canada (the city of Winnipeg), where she lived until 2000 and engaged in social work (she worked in the archives of the Center of Ukrainian Culture and Education in the city of Winnipeg – the largest museum of Ukrainian culture outside of Ukraine; in the Public Service province of Manitoba).
He has been living in Ukraine since 2000.
2000 – member of the National Union of Composers and Musicologists of Ukraine
2005 – she defended her PhD thesis and received the scientific degree of Candidate of Art History.
Since 2007, he has been teaching at the Department of History of Ukrainian Music and Musical Folklore of the Ukrainian State University named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Since 2008, he has been working as an academic secretary of the Department of Musical Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Since 2007, he has been working as the deputy general director of the National Ensemble of Soloists “Kyivska Camerata”. He is engaged in the study of the processes of modern Ukrainian musical culture, holds creative meetings, gives opening remarks to concerts.
He is a member of organizing committees and a member of the jury of many international and all-Ukrainian festivals and competitions.